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I am Anneli Ambring

and the founder of

Ambring Property Empire

I live on an island in the archipelago on the west coast of Sweden.
I love the sea and living close to the nature. I have a background in healthcare and have completed a dissertation on how diet can affect cardiovascular disease. 

When I saw the results from my studies I became very aware of the importance of what you eat and how you choose to live your life.

About Anneli

I see so many who have busy lifestyles which impacts on eating habits and choices in daily life. I really believe that you can affect your physical and especially your mental health depending on your choices in life.


This is why I have been investing my time and energy into also building passive income. This was the start of my journey towards  the life I want to live and now my mission is to help people live the life they dream of and come closer their goals whether it is living in financial freedom or ensuring a financially secure future.


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